Pure Pool
Pure Pool is an easy to use ready-mixed additive manufactured especially for use in the Bahamas. Proper use of Pure Pool will result in maintenance savings and a pool always looking clean, crystal-clear, and pure.
Instructions for freshly filled pool
- Add 3 gals Pure Pool solution per 10,000 gals of water (Capacity in gals = capacity in cubic ft x 7.5).
- After filtering the water for one complete cycle, test for the chlorine content and PH.
Chlorine Test
1.0 to 2.0 ppm is ideal.
PH Test
7.4 to 7.6 is ideal
To Maintain
Add about 1 qt. of Pure Pool solution per 10,000 gals of water daily to maintain proper chlorine content. Test for chlorine content daily and use Pure Pool accordingly. For best results add Pure Pool late in the afternoon or early in the morning.
Note: The figures quoted are based on tests performed under normal conditions. Atmospheric conditions, use of the pool, season and amount of filtering are factors which will cause variation in the amount of Pure Pool required. These figures however may serve as a guide when determining your own personal requirements.
Keep bottle upright and in a cool place.
Contains 10% available chlorine in alkaline solution. If swallowed, give on or two glasses of milk and induce vomiting – consult physician immediately. If contact with skin, wash thoroughly with water.